July 18, 2011

Glamour Nails: A Discussion with Myself

Wow, your nails are really getting long!

I know! It’s crazy. They grow so fast in the summer.
I don’t even know how I haven’t broken them yet.

You think you’re going to keep them long?

I don’t know?

It’s kind of hard to type, and you type, like, a lot.

It is a little hard to type. And there’s the clickity noises too.

So why don’t you just cut them off then?

But they’re so pretty!

But when you put on makeup, sometimes the foundation collects under them.

I know. But look how nice the shape is! I’ve been filing them.

They do look good.

And Spike loves them! I give good scratches.

You’re going to keep your nails long because the cat likes them?

Well I like them too…


But sometimes they get in the way. Still, they’re so pretty!


Well it’s a nice canvas for nail art…

You haven’t done any nail art in forever!

Well I had all those weddings to go to. I was having “grown up” nails.
And then I got busy.

Are you going to be less busy soon?

Probably not. I have all this work to do, and I have to get ready for my trip. Still…

Still what?

They are pretty.

You are going bowling this weekend. They will break.

Sigh. I know.

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