November 10, 2011

Shadow of The Future

When I first heard about this (from a reader, thanks again B!) I thought it was just some sort of eyeshadow that changed colors on your face. Like, mood eyeshadow, or something, which would be pretty crazy. But this stuff is EVEN CRAZIER.

This does not need to react to “your unique chemistry.” It does not need to react to your cold water, your hot water, your sunlight, or your mood. All it needs is a special "platter" and a USB cord. Oh wait, it doesn’t really need a USB cord, it also works with bluetooth.


The actual powder changes colors. And you control it with your computer. Or your phone.


Let’s get sciencey here for a minute: “Kulai Cosmetics loose powder is made from non-toxic metal compounds and natural elements, combining technology with nature, engineering with art. Controlled by either a PC application or mobile application which connects to a Color Shift platter, an electrical signal is conducted through the Kulai Cosmetics package, into the loose powder itself, which makes the Color Shifting possible. The only limit to what color you can achieve is your own imagination.”

Oh, okay. Wait, WHAT?!?!?!

Then I found this YouTube video, which is so amazing it almost seems fake. Because seriously, WHAT?!?!?! I tried to do some research to see if it was a hoax, but as far as I can tell it’s for real. Even if it’s not what if it was? Wow.

Currently, the only way to get it is if you’re part of the Professional Makeup Artists Guild of the Phillipines or if you have a hookup. It’s not technically “safe” by U.S. standards yet, so who knows when we’ll get it. Holy crap though.

The future is WHAT?!


  1. I put my thumb over the powder when she was changing colors and just watched the tablecloth. You can see that the tablecloth changes colors at the same time, going from a neutral white-blue-yellow to something more yellow and reddish. So I'm not saying it's a total hoax, but it looks like they played with the hue/saturation in the video, maybe to emphasize the change.

    (wallsdonotfall. I just started reading and love your reviews!)

  2. Yay! wallsdonotfall! I "know" you! I feel like we need an emoticon of the hairpin gang sign! ..<

    Thanks for reading! And thanks for commenting, I love hearing from my readers!

    I noticed the tablecloth too. In the comments she blames the white balance on her camera, but you would think if it came out funny, she would reshoot? I kind of feel like if it was a hoax they would be pushing it harder on the internets, but I found surprisingly little about it.
