February 15, 2012

Halfway Through Shreduary!

 I'm halfway through my shredventure! It's still really hard.

Day 11 – Level 2
I decided to try Level 2 today. After doing Level 1 for ten days, it only seemed fair. The first thing I noticed was that Jillian could use a little more support. This explains why she was wearing two sports bras for the Level 1 workout. Level 2 is much harder than I expected it to be, but I didn’t have to do any of my own modifications, just the ones Anita demonstrates. Many of the exercises require being in “plank” position, which is challenging for me with my neck/shoulder issues. I had no problems doing the modified versions though. The moves in Level 2 require a bit more coordination than Level 1. I was sweating A LOT, not dripping on the floor, but close. Jillian has been really motivating throughout both workouts, but at the end of this one she says “I want you guys to feel like you’re going to die.” JEEZ, Jillian!

Day 12 – Level 2
Last night, lying in bed, I caught myself looking forward to my morning workout. When it came time to actually do it (squeezed in before brunch) I was less excited, but it was still a good one. I sweat even more than yesterday. I’m pretty sure I heard Jillian say “I want you to feel like you’re gargling your heart!” but I could be wrong. It was pretty creepy though, if that’s what she said. Later, for some reason I had my left arm resting on my right bicep while I was picking up my shampoo (I still am not sure why or how) and was surprised to feel a muscle there!

Day 13 – Level 2
Today I was really tired and this did not make me less tired. I don’t think I did as good of a job as I did the two previous days, but I did the best I could for this day. Yesterday, I noticed my posture is improving. I am really happy I am noticing changes in my body so quickly, or it would be really hard even harder to do this every day.

Day 14 – Level 2
I was even more tired today and getting through the workout was really tough. The hardest exercises for me right now are the ones in plank pose, and there are quite a few. Today I noticed I’m getting better at them, but I am exhausted! My husband is home sick and I really hope I don’t get it. Also, today is Valentine’s Day. I guess I could be grateful for all the calories I’ll be saving by not having cheese fondue tonight, as planned. But I’m not.

Day 15 – Level 2
Halfway there! Or I would be, if I managed to work out today. Let’s take a look at how today fell apart. I had to leave my apartment at 8.15 for a 9am meeting in Manhattan. I didn’t have time for breakfast. That meeting lasted until about 10.45, and I got back home at around 11.30, starving. I had a glass of kefir followed by two Russell Stover’s caramels that were not even that good. Then I tried to get some work done but I was still hungry so I had some veggies and tzatziki and worked some more. That lasted about an hour and I was starving again. I had a peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat and an apple, which I ate at the kitchen table instead of in front of the computer, to hopefully make it stick. Then I did some more work while I digested, but before long I had to leave for my 2.20 doctor’s appointment.

After my doctor’s appointment I went to the pharmacy. They couldn’t fill my prescription, and also, I forgot my wallet. So I went home, got my wallet and my hat, and went to a different pharmacy a few blocks away. The woman at the front of the line was haggling with the cashier over the cost of two Cadbury chocolate bars. There were circulars involved. And phone calls. And then there was the next customer, who wasn’t "in the system” and needed to provide all of her information, but every time they asked her a question she tried to explain that she didn’t have time to answer questions and could she just come back tomorrow and pick up the prescription? And then the cashier would explain that they needed all the info before they could fill the prescription. And for some reason they had to go through that routine about three times. And THEN it was my turn! And I handed in my prescription, quick as a wink. I am "in the system!" And then I waited while they filled my prescription. And then I waited in the line again to pay. I wanted potato chips, but I didn't buy any. I came home and ate some cinnamon-sugar pita chips, and did some more work and ate the last two not-that-good caramels, so I might as well have had potato chips. And then it was 5.30 and I was super tired and I realized I am not ever going to do this workout today. I will be lucky if I have the energy to make dinner.

What could I have done better? I guess the first thing would have been to throw away those caramels instead of eating them. Or maybe the first thing would have been to EAT BREAKFAST so I wasn’t trying to make up for it all day. Between the candy and the starving, I’m sure my blood sugar was all over the map today, it’s no wonder I have no energy and no willpower right now. I had higher hopes for the halfway point, I am not happy. But I am determined that tomorrow will be awesome.

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