March 1, 2012

Shreduary Finale: The Final Shredtch!

I did it! Thirty consecutive days of working out, except for those four days that I missed. That’s not half bad though!

Day 21 – Level 3
I skipped yesterday, because I was feeling terrible, and I felt even more terrible for skipping, but there was seriously NO. WAY. I wasn’t sure if I was ready to move to Level 3, but I figured I could always stop and go back to Level 2 if it was more than I could handle. But I was fine. (Huffing, puffing, and sweating profusely, but fine.)

In some ways, Level 3 is easier than Level 2. Well, in ONE way. I found Level 3 easier than Level 2 because you spend waaayyy less time in plank pose. Plank is a hard one for me because I have to be really careful with my neck and shoulders, for two reasons: A. I have a prior injury and B. I have a tendency to start straining my neck when I get fatigued, and those back muscles get really fatigued in Level 2, even when you are engaging your abs like you’re supposed to. The Level 3 exercises are really challenging, but I found I didn’t have to be so “careful.”

That said, Level 3 is TOUGH! I really like the exercises though, I’m familiar with many of them, and I know they will get results. The workout today was good too, even though I had to follow along more closely since it was my first time with the routine. I think this might be my favorite workout on the DVD.

Day 22 – Level 3
I tried to do everything full force and could barely hop by the time we got to the “rockstar jumps” at the end. The jumping lunges are really hard too and I’m not positive I’m doing them right because my knees are feeling a little funny. It’s hard to jump up and land in a lunge position.

Day 23 – Level 3
Today I did all the modified versions, but that’s okay because I did them well and nothing hurts. I think I just might need to build up my strength a little for these new moves. I am just doing regular lunges instead of jumping lunges.

Day 24 ­– Level 3
Some modifications today, but not all. My elbows really hurt for some reason. I started putting a folded towel under my arms for some of the exercises. Also, at one point Jillian says “WE’RE ALMOST THERE!” and then she says “JUST TEN MORE!” and I want to kill her. Ten more IS NOT “almost there,” ever.

Day 25 = FAIL
Today, Saturday, the plan was to wake up and reorganize our 5’x7’ storage area in the basement into a 3’x5’ storage area in the community room, in preparation for the storage room renovation my building is doing in the basement. Then I was going to work out, take a shower, eat dinner, and go bowling. When I went down to the basement, I found all of my belongings covered in white plaster dust. A lot of stuff was in plastic tubs, but not everything. For example, the brand new, never used set of luggage we bought recently. So not only did I have to reduce our storage space by half, and move it (down a long crowded hallway) to another room, but I had to vacuum and wipe down everything too, as best I could. By the time I finished, around 3pm, I was exhausted, covered in chalky dust, and I had a large, painful knot in my neck. I probably shouldn’t have moved those three air conditioners by myself, but I was freaking out and had to get my stuff out of the construction area ASAP.

There was no way I was doing the workout. I took some Aleve and a hot shower and then made dinner. The only reason I didn’t cancel on bowling was because we had it planned for three weeks and I really wanted to see my friends. (I’m glad I went though, it was really fun.) I guess I had a pretty “active” day even if it wasn’t official exercise.

Day 26 = FAIL
Things that hurt include: My neck, my shoulders, my arms, my wrists, my right hand, my upper back, my sides. I could barely drag myself out of bed, and once again did not manage the workout.

Day 27 – Level 3
I’m not happy I missed two days of exercise, and I am still sore, especially in my shoulders and my right forearm and hand. The thought of having to exercise was enough to keep me from getting out of bed, but eventually I got up. A pre-breakfast workout was not happening, but luckily my schedule is flexible today. When I did manage the workout, it was kind of torturous, but in a way that I knew wouldn’t cause serious damage. It just sucked.

Day 28 – Level 3
I did a pretty good job today, definitely feeling better than yesterday. Still doing some modifications though. I don’t think I’m going to make it to Natalie’s level anytime soon, and definitely not in the next three days. Anita is my girl.

Day 29 – Level 3
Even though this is the second to last day, it is not really getting easier like the other levels did. I think it’s just that the exercises in this section are really tough! Or maybe it’s because I missed two days in a row? I’m still doing modifications for almost everything that involves plank pose, and I can never make it through the final set of “rockstar jumps.” I’m just doing regular, non-rockstar jumps. PS. It really bothers me when Jillian gives fake-out encouragement that you are almost there and then makes you do sooo many more. She does it more than once, but she didn’t do that in other levels. I think it’s better when she just reminds you of WHY you’re doing this.

Day 30 – Level 3
This morning I was in underwater allergy-mode, but I felt like I had to try really really extra hard to do my best, because it’s THE LAST DAY! It would have been a little easier if I could actually breathe, but I pushed myself even more today. It was a good workout, but I’m totally sick of doing it!


What I liked: This workout does not take up a lot of time or space, and you barely need any equipment. The exercises work, and I really feel like I’m making the most of my time. I value efficiency, and this video delivers. What I didn’t like: It was really hard to do this every single day. Granted, I did skip a few days when I was feeling really bad, but it was sort of a drag to never get a guilt-free day off.

Am I totally shredded? No. I knew that going in though. I am happy with my results, but I know I could have gotten better results if I was more careful about eating for the first part of the month. There is an online meal plan you can sign up for, but I didn’t want to get involved with a diet. Still, I could have been eating more healthfully the whole time instead of waiting until I got to Level 3.

The other thing is, you might have noticed me complaining about being tired and not feeling well as the month went along. Well, on Day 15 I was diagnosed with this weird (non-contagious) virus-type thing called Pityriasis Rosea, which is like a cold/flu that comes with a rash, and occasionally, fatigue. Lucky me! No one knows what causes it, or how to make it go away. It can last up to two months, and you just have to let it run its course. Judging by when my “herald patch” showed up I got this right around the end of January. Just in time for Shreduary! I feel like I could have pushed myself a little harder if I was feeling better, and would have gotten even better results. Some days I felt like I was wearing a lead jumpsuit, and it took everything I had to do the damn workout. But I had to do it, because I told you I would! And I did it, and I’m glad I did it. But it was hard.

I usually don’t share personal stuff like weird random rashes, but I think it really goes to show there is never a perfect time to start exercising, eating healthy, or doing anything, really. You just have to get started, do your best, and keep trying.


  1. I watched a Jillian Michaels infomercial for a 90 day "Body Revolution" this morning. I seriously almost pulled out the credit card while watching it, but it's $120 + s&h. Maybe I'll see if I can handle this one first. I hate plank exercises!

  2. Target didn't have the shred one, so I got Jillian Michaels: Ripped in 30. Sounds like the same concept. It's 4 24minute workouts over 4 weeks. Maybe when I'm done, we can trade. Then we'll be shredded AND ripped! If I start Monday I'll be done by Easter, but don't count on me starting monday :).

  3. I would definitely be up for a trade! Now that I am back from my vacation I did Level 1 of Shred again, and it was still hard! I am going to keep doing the video, but will probably only do it three days a week and throw in some cardio at the gym on the other days, just because it's nice to be able to zone out.
