December 12, 2013


I know it seems like I fell off the face of the internet, and kind of, I did. I don’t partake of the internetz while the baby is awake, and when he’s asleep, I am either showering, inhaling a meal, or working double-time to get stuff done around the house.

He’s in a completely adorable phase now where he screams a lot and is into EVERYTHING, especially things he shouldn’t be into. Yesterday he figured out how to slide open the credenza and remove a champagne flute. He’s almost 9 months old, so I guess I should have figured out a lock for that by now. I just thought I had a little more time. I didn’t expect him to be cruising yet either, but there you go. Boy’s on the move! Not that he’s good at it, hence the screaming. It goes along with the falling.  He really is very cute though.

Clearly, I have other priorities, and time sure does fly. But some day, I will have my shit together again, and if ever there was a time for resolutions, it’s the new year. So, along with losing the last 10lbs of baby weight, I WILL be getting this blog up and running again. And it’s going to be better than ever.

I have to do it because I said it on the internet, and everything on the internet is true.

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