May 4, 2011

Fun Zip

One of the great things about writing this blog is that people come to me with stuff they are excited about, in case I want to write about it. I recently got a particularly funny tip from my physical therapist. Not funny because of the item, but funny because my physical therapist is a guy. A straight guy. And he was all “Have you seen the new bags from Sephora?” LOL. Of course, he didn’t discover them himself. His fiancé is a fellow beauty junkie, and she found them. Still, it was pretty funny. And it’s a good product! Resealable travel bags, in a super-fun print.

The pattern is called Electric Safari, which is a collection of four different colored cheetah prints: blue, green, orange and pink. The box has 12 bags, (for $9) and you get three of each color. They are printed on both sides, which is nice.

There is a white label incorporated into the design on each side, with the heading “beauty essentials for:” and I guess you can write whatever in there. I could have done without that. I’d prefer just the pattern, but I guess if you are putting together goodie bags for your friends or your bridesmaids or something, it would be cute. Especially if you give them all drag queen names instead of using their real names. But if you are using it for your own personal travel, I’m pretty sure you’d know the bag was yours because of the chartreuse cheetah print. Though it WOULD be kind of funny to throw your cellulite cream in there and make the label say “beauty essentials for: My Butt”. And then make sure to leave it out in the bathroom wherever you’re staying so everyone can see it. Ha! No? Fine. Needless to say, the white space is there, and you might as well have fun with it.

The bags themselves are thicker than your average Ziplock and have one of those little sliders on the zipper, like the “expensive” baggies do. You could easily re-use these again and again. I usually just use plastic bags as a safeguard against leaks from nail polish or whatever. These are so cute you could use one as a makeup bag for a quick trip. When I use a regular sandwich bag, I’m pretty likely to just throw it away when I get back home. With these, I’d want to save it to reuse until it got really beat up. I might also use them for organization of beauty supplies at home, like all those little samples Sephora sends. I was thinking you could use one for a really REALLY special snack, but the box clearly says “Not for use with food.” No Electric Safari lunch, I guess. Much like other plastic bags, it is also a suffocation hazard.

If you like the pattern, but don’t like the idea of it being disposable, (or LOVE the pattern, and want more of it)Sephora is doing a ton of stuff with the print right now. (For a limited time.) Makeup bags, hair dryers, nail files, tweezers, etc. Cute! And, once again: RAWR!

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