I'm three days into Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred.
Day 1 – Level 1
The introduction tells you to start out with level one, and luckily I did because even Level 1 is pretty tough. However, they have a “beginner” person showing how to modify each exercise if you’re not ready. For me, the arm exercises were the hardest, because I haven’t exercised my arms in months. And when I say arm exercises, I mean the arm-part of the exercises, because that's almost always combined with something else. With a 30-minute workout, you have to be really efficient! Jillian Michaels does not give you any time to rest. If you’re going to try to sneak a sip of water, you’re going to have to be REALLY fast.
Here is a tip: Start the video right on the hour so you can see how much time you have left. Not that you should be watching the clock, but then at least you can be like “Okay, I’m halfway there and I CAN get through it.” I didn’t think a half hour workout would be a big deal, but this is a very long half hour.
What I like: You don’t have to fumble around with the remote like you do during Tracy Anderson’s stuff. You choose your level, and the warm up, cool down, and all the exercises are right there, you just follow along. There is also a way to have just the music without the commentary, for when you inevitably get tired of hearing the same stuff over and over every day. Though, in theory you could just mute the TV and listen to your own music.
I also like that you only need small hand weights (or you could use water bottles or cans) and some floor space. Some videos have you ALL OVER THE PLACE, and I just don’t have room for that. All I had to do is move my coffee table. I didn’t even move the rug.
What I don’t like: She doesn’t count out the whole series. She’ll start counting, and then start talking. Granted, she’s giving tips on the exercises, so it’s important. But the problem is, you don’t really know how many you’re supposed to be doing. I guess you’re supposed to just follow along and do what the ladies do, but I like to have a clear goal and know how close I am to completing it. (See above about watching the clock.) When I tried counting on my own, I got weird numbers like 17.
Day 2 – Level 1
I woke up sore. Make that: SOOORRRE!!! The kind of sore where every inch of your body hurts, and when your cat walks on you, you’re sure he’s leaving a little trail of paw-shaped bruises. Still, when I did the workout today, it was not harder than yesteray. It was also not easier. Someday though, it will be easier and that day will be AWESOME. And then I’ll have to move to Level 2. I realized today that I could do the workout and take my shower in the same amount of time it took me just to do my regular workout at the gym, and yet it hurts so much more.
The breakdown is like this:
One 2min Warm-up
Three 6min Circuits
Three 6min Circuits
-3 min Strength
-2 min Cardio
-1 min Abs
One 2min Cool Down
(Edit 2/4: Doing the workout this morning I heard Jillian say something about a "20-minute workout" and I was like "Wait, WHAT?!" As you can see in the breakdown posted above, this is not a 30 minute workout, it's just 30 days. Haha. LONGEST 18 MIN EVER!)
-2 min Cardio
-1 min Abs
One 2min Cool Down
(Edit 2/4: Doing the workout this morning I heard Jillian say something about a "20-minute workout" and I was like "Wait, WHAT?!" As you can see in the breakdown posted above, this is not a 30 minute workout, it's just 30 days. Haha. LONGEST 18 MIN EVER!)
Honestly, when I bought this video I thought I might supplement it by going to the gym for additional cardio maybe twice a week. I really don’t feel like I need to do that. I do think the 2min Cool Down might be a little short though. I should start adding in some extra stretches at the end, but haven’t yet.
Day 3 – Level 1
I am EVEN MORE SORE today, and I really don’t feel like doing the workout. I curse every time I have to go up or down stairs. What hurts most are my quads, calves, and the whole rest of my body. But if I do this workout, I am 1/10 of the way through Shreduary and that’s good right? A liiiittle tiiiiny bit good. Today is the first day I need to do the workout after breakfast instead of before, and I feel like that’s weighing me down a little. Also, we went out to a big fancy dinner last night, and I might still be digesting that. Anyway, I’m feeling S-L-O-W-!
Okay, I did it, and it was not worse than yesterday. It was also not better. Yet.
Early Review
This video is really a lot harder than I expected, but I think anyone without serious medical problems can do it. The workouts are not complicated and you can modify if needed. I’ve been modifying a little extra on my own, because I know my body, and I don’t want to hurt myself. With the issue I had with my neck (and the nerves in my arms) last year, I do not want to injure myself again, ever, because that REALLY, REALLY SUCKED. So when my arm muscles are too fatigued to keep proper form, I stop doing the arm part, and just do the legs. This seems to happen during the very last set of strength exercises for the side-lunge-with-arm-raises. One of these days soon, I’ll be able to do the whole thing as directed, but I don’t want to overdo it, hurt myself, and have to stop. I know as long as I’m working my muscles until they’re completely fatigued, I’m working out as hard as I should be.
Overall, I really like this. I like the structure, I like that you don't need a lot of space or gear, and I like that it’s only a half hour commitment every day. It’s a SERIOUS half hour of exercise. You are working the entire time. It’s really efficient, and I love that about it. I know if I keep forcing myself to do it, there is NO WAY I won’t see results. Do I expect to be “shredded”? No, not really. But, honestly, I don’t really want to be shredded. (I think they make you get a spray tan?)
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